All you should know about exterminations in Traiskirchen
Bed bugs or red coats, chinches, or mahogany flats, Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, are blood-feeding parasites of humans, chickens, bats and occasionally domesticated animals, they prefer to stay in dark warm area of the house like beds, closets, inside the drywalls.
Get rid of bed bugs in Traiskirchen right now!
How much does bed bug treatment cost in Traiskirchen
Bed bug treatment costs explained:
Costs for our bed bugs treatment options in Traiskirchen, Austria range from approximately EUR320 (for 2 rooms of dry clean treatment, the least effective option) to EUR2,300 (for 2 bedrooms apartment with heat treatment, our recommended option). Not all the treatments are 100% guaranteed, so you should hire a well know company to get rid of bed bugs; Also, there are bed bug companies offering a 2-week follow up inspection with 3 months warranty.

What is the most effective bed bug treatment?
There are many different factors to consider, including price, period of operation, quality of work, labour and even the area you live in. The fact that geographic location is a factor may be surprising to you (or not), but costs are probably higher in Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer, Salzburg than they are in Bregenz, Vorarlberg.
How to be prepared for bed bug heat treatment in Traiskirchen
- Thorough the whole property inspection.
- Preparation before the heat treatment starts.
- Set up the heaters and fans.
- Vacuum the infested areas to remove all bed bugs and eggs.
- Rise the temperature up to 140F and keep it for at least 5 hours.
- Monitoring the temperature every 30 mins.
What items should be removed on Bed bug heat treatment?
The following need to be removed prior to bed bugs heat treatment:
- Loose paper & clutter subject to air movement & trash of any kind
- Pets, including aquariums containing fish or reptiles
- Household plants
- Musical Instruments, vinyl records
- Vinyl horizontal and vertical blinds
- Lighters, firearms, and other combustible items
- Pressurized cylinders, oxygen tanks and cylinders, aerosol cans, paints, and flammable chemicals. Some common heat-sensitive chemicals include but are not limited to kerosene, propane, gasoline, etc.
- Oil paintings or other art, heirlooms, and items considered irreplaceable
Will heat treatment for bed bugs damage the property?
Most people use either an electric or gas heater for DIY bed bugs control solutions. Online recommendations advise DIYers to heat rooms up to 135 degrees Fahrenheit. However, placing heaters too close to wooden furniture, curtains, clothes, paper or other items can cause fires.
One of the worst things that can happen with a DIY heat treatment for bed bugs is a serious fire in your room. If the fire isn’t confined to your bedroom, it can even result in significant damage to the rest of your home. By trying to solve one problem, you have created another (and may have thousands of dollars of damage) by trying to get rid of bed bugs on your own.
The heat treatment professionals in Traiskirchen have experience with the worst bed bug problems. From a home-wide infestation, they will take care of it without damaging or burning any furniture or valuables. Bed bugs will not go away by themselves, and it’s really not worth the time or the risk to try to treat the issue yourself.
So, to recap, doing “Do it Yourself” heat treatment is dangerous, on the other hand, it’s totally safe if bed bug professionals with the proper equipment do it for you.
We have the list of all bed bugs companies in our database
If you have a question or you want to get a quote for your bed bug inspection, you can fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
This website provides all information you need about bed bugs for you.treatment Preparation
how much is bed bug treatment and what is the cheapest method?
In this process, the bed bug exterminators will vacuum the mattress, box spring, cracks, and crevices with a commercial vacuum to get most of the bed bugs removed, including cast skins, nymphs, and eggs.
Calculating the Cost per room treatment
The average treatment cost per room in Austria is EUR600. This varies widely based on your style, size of kitchen, number of rooms and geographic area (you definitely won’t have the same costs in Bregenz, Vorarlberg, or Ansfelden, Salzburg. You should also take into account if you are buying items outside of Austria. For example, if the chemical want is made in the United States, you’ll need to take into consideration the exchange rate (EUR to USD).
Budget Tip
The steam vapor system will allow bed bug specialist to provide bed bug removal process with deeper penetration. The high temperatures of the vapor will destroy any eggs that have been deposited into the carpet edges, box spring, and mattress in an efficient manner. Another tip would be NOT trying the chemical materials available in Amazon, they just cost you money and time, if a few bed bug survive from your chemical treatment, it is enough for them to get back to colony and bite you.
If you like to see out top bed bugs companies of the month of July 2024 and read the reviews, or vote for a bed bug company who has helped you to get rid of bed bugs, visit the best bed bug company of the month based on the possitive reviews.
Cost of Vacuum & Steam Bed Bugs Treatment
The vacuum & steam bed bug treatment price starts from EUR250 for one bedroom apartment, to get a quote for your treatment, please fill out our the form below.
Advertising Opportunity
If you own a pest control company or bed bug removal business in Traiskirchen and looking to expand your business and get more leads in different cities in Austria, fill out the this form and learn more about his opportunity.